1. 29 Jan, 2016 9 commits
  2. 20 Jan, 2016 1 commit
    • Lucas Russo's avatar
      modules/*/wb_acq_core/axis_write.vhd: fix for transactions bigger than 8MB · c384fbb7
      Lucas Russo authored
      Previously, we could only transfer 8MB (typically
      1000000 samples for 16-bit data or 500000 for a
      32-bit data) of data at a time. This would impose
      a huge limitation as we eventually want more
      than that amount of continuous data.
      The fix is somewhat simple. We just need to:
      1) Reissue the AXIS command each time the
      packet transaction reaches its maximum using
      the previously calculated address
      2) Generate a TLAST signal for the corresponding
      PLD stream
      3) Reset the TLAST counter for each new transaction
      These steps ensure that no limitation will occur
      due to size issues.
  3. 19 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  4. 13 Jan, 2016 6 commits
  5. 12 Jan, 2016 5 commits
  6. 08 Jan, 2016 6 commits
  7. 06 Jan, 2016 6 commits
  8. 05 Jan, 2016 6 commits